Sunday, October 5, 2014

Fruit Juice Sweetened Jam

Leah has been asking for Jam since she went sugar free. So we finally got around to it this weekend. Jam is so easy, so I had her make it. She was quite pleased with her creation.

4 cups of frozen berries (we used blueberry, blackberry and raspberry)
2/3 cup of grape juice concentrate
3 Tablespoons pectin

In saucepan bring all the ingredients to a boil. Stir constantly till. Keep stirring till boil cannot be stirred down, then boil a little bit longer (like 1 more minute). At this point we opted to just put the jam in a jar and use it now. You can also freeze it  or if you want shelf stable jam them you will need to process it in a water bath. Here are some instructions- just follow steps 1, 3 & 4 for the water bath:

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