Sunday, October 17, 2021

Brisket—fall style

 So I love the Brisket off Smitten Kitchen. This is cooked the same way—just with different flavors.


In a crockpot place 

Brisket (frankly I have no clue how big this was—it was part of a Sams Club one that was cut into pieces)

Salt and pepper the meat 

Cranberries, probably 2 c 

Onion cut in chunks 

2 c broth (I used the smaller TJ beef one)

Cook on low overnight for 12 hours (the picture is taken just after this step)

In the morning move it all to an oven safe container and refrigerate all day 

An hour before you want to eat pull the brisket out of the pan, shave off the excess fat, and cut into slices 

Place back in the juices in the oven safe container

Heat in a 350* oven for 1 hr 

Eat with whatever you want. We ate it with mashed potatoes, green beans, and cranberry sauce 

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