So putting together a gluten free flour can be daunting. I think Emily and Christy have great mixes It consists of some combination of sorghum, millet, rice, starch. (Christy and Emily- You two should post them as stand alone recipes. . . hint, hint). I am not such an avid baker and slightly less ambitious. So I use a fair amount of store bought flours. But please note some mixes are ridiculously expensive The ones listed here are more moderately priced. It is always more economical and healthy to make your own mix from whole grain. So go buy a grinder, you will need it. But when you are out of grain or lazy like me here are some flour suggestions:
For Bread - Pamela's gluten free bread mix. I buy it in a 25 lbs. bag from amazon. I have it set up so it comes on a regular basis. Very convenient. Price isn't too bad. The price varies, but it is under $3.00 a loaf.
For Pancakes, muffins, biscuits, quick breads, etc - Pamela's Baking and Pancake Mix. This is really a nice mix. It is a bit more then the bread mix and it has almonds and milk so avoid if those are problematic. Also it is a baking mix, so does not work in just any recipe. It can be a fortune at the grocery store. Once again I suggest Amazon. Samantha tried a mix called Better Batter and thought it was too starchy. She suggested diluting it with a whole grain flour.
For Cake - King Arthur's Gluten Free Chocolate Cake is fantastic. The vanilla is good too, just not as good. I have also used Hudson Mills vanilla and had nice results.
Flour (not a mix) - Samantha has bought flour from Great River Milling, they are very careful about contamination. (She asked them.) She tried Better Batter as a GF flour and thought it was too starchy.
Whole Grains - Emily and Christy buy their grains from Pleasant Hill Grains. I did too, I just bought some sorghum! This company is nice because the grain comes in a bucket that is airtight and gasket-sealed. This is great for food storage.
I started a piece about my gf flour mix, but I want to take a picture of my flour container before I publish it because I love it.