Thursday, January 24, 2013

Pumpkin Pancakes

Pumpkin Pancake with Strawberry Jam
For the last two weeks I have been dreaming about pumpkin so I finally bought a couple of cans and decided to make pumpkin pancakes.  Why pancakes?  I have never loved pancakes (mostly from too many of Dad's pancakes as a kid) but they are very easy and can be made for one person.  I made a batch sort of following a a couple of recipes and thought that it was missing something (but they were very good with strawberry-blueberry freezer jam).  So I added molasses into the next batch and enjoyed the results.  I liked that I could eat them with just butter and no syrup or jam.   So I would add the molasses or skip it depending on what I wanted to eat that day (you can skip it Sarah and still enjoy them).  And best of all because of the added pumpkin I feel justified in eating them for dinner.

Pumpkin Pancakes
1 cup Pamela's pancake mix
1 egg or egg replacer
3/4 cup water or almond milk (more if the batter is too thick)
1 tablespoon oil
(this is just the recipe of the back of the bag)
1/2 cup of pumpkin
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1-2 tablespoon molasses depending on taste

Put everything in a bowel and mix it together until smooth.
Cook the pancakes, they take a little longer than normal pancakes so do not cook them too hot (like I did) or they will not cook all the way through.  If they are too thick and are not cooking well add some water to make the batter thinner.
They would last in the fridge or the freezer cooked.  I like to leave some batter in the fridge for later. They are not beautiful (mostly because I cooked them too hot because I was hungry for dinner) but they taste good.
If you do not eat Pamela's pancake mix (it contains almonds and whey) you can just use any pancake recipe and add the ingredients starting at the pumpkin.

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