Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Pecan Bars

Pecans are one of my very favorite foods ever. This recipe is an adaptation from Martha Stewart.

2 sticks and 2 T butter
3/4 c brown sugar (I used coconut sugar)
3 c flour (1 1/4 millet, 1 1/4 sorghum, and 1/2 c starch would work well)
1 t xanthan gum

Mix together and put into 9x13 pan
Bake at 375 for 18 min

1 stick butter
1/2 c brown sugar (I used coconut sugar)
6 T golden syrup (the recipe calls for honey)
2 T sugar (so I skipped this and it was fine)
2 T milk (I used almond milk)
2 c pecans
1 t vanilla
Place all ingredients minus pecans and vanilla into pan and bring to boil.
Add pecans and vanilla.
Pour over crust.
Bake at 325 for 15 min.

After I made this I thought it may be nice as a variation to double the pecan layer (at least the caramel part).

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